You can use a variety of different methods to record. The easiest is to download our mobile device app called Dictate+Connect. There is also an Olympus Dictation App which allows email transfer.

It works on Apple and Android devices.

The WeType app can be configured to record and send files securely to DictationMaster.

Or you can use a digital voice recorder from Philips or Olympus. Check with us first that the sound files are compatible!

Files recorded using the Dictate+Connect app on a mobile device can be configured to send automatically and securely to DictationMaster.

If you use a digital recorder then the file can be sent from a PC by logging into your password-protected area using a standard web browser.

Learn more about the mobile app here

Your WeType Typist will transcribe in any format specified.

This could be a Word template that you provide and we store on DictationMaster, or direct into your own patient record and management system.

We will integrate seamlessly into your existing workflow and operating systems.

Based on length of recording on a per minute basis.

Our service  starts at £1.00 per minute on a one-to-one basis. If it is an interview, more voices increases the costs so please email or call for a quote.

We can offer priority, weekend, overnight and other services.

Invoices are issued in British pounds sterling and are subject to VAT at the standard rate.

You will be invoiced at month-end with a fully detailed breakdown of usage.

Settlement is due on receipt and may be made by direct transfer to our UK bank account, by UK cheque, by PayPal and by credit card.

We cannot accept foreign payments and are not able to set up direct debit.

There are standard terms and conditions of usage which may be viewed here on the website.

There are no fixed charges, minimum monthly spends or hidden charges.

The full flexibility of outsourcing allows you to use WeType as much or as little as you want.

Our typists are mainly based in the UK for legal reasons.

We have some based abroad who are able to transcribe suitable work such as medical thesis, interview, conference and other non-sensitive matter.

We will clarify with you exactly where you wish your work to be processed.

DictationMaster is a web-based file transfer system designed in-house by WeType.

It allows safe secure movement of dictation and completed work between client, WeType and typist.

It can be tailored to your specific requirements and is quick, easy-to-use and reliable.

Access can be through PC, web browser or direct through the Dictate+Connect mobile app software.

See here for more information.

Standard service is within 24 hours.

Priority is within 4 hours.

It is best to liaise with your Account Manager to discuss in greater detail exactly how you wish the service to act for you.

Yes at least 80% of the time.

There will be three typists who are familiar with your dictation and nature of work but ideally your files will be typed by the same secretary when possible.

Dictate+Connect is a mobile app that can be bought online and installed on your mobile or tablet. It works with Apple and Android devices. It is a one-off payment with free upgrades.

The program will turn your mobile into a digital voice recorder and send dictation files direct to DictationManager.

It is quick, safe and secure. Take a look at the Olympus Dictation App too. Its free and allows file transfer as an email attachment

For more information visit Dictate+Connect and download a free trial today.

WeType is a UK registered company operating under British Law.

We are based in the UK and our company registration number is 9643724.

Our VAT number is 216 0155 51.

We conform with all British Company Regulations.

WeType typists are UK-based with extensive experience in the relevant area.

They all undergo a rigorous selection process.

They all have an IT Governance Certificate and have signed a confidentiality agreement and NDA with WeType.

Use our online form to complete an application for an account.

You could be up and running and sending files to WeType within an hour!

You will receive an email with contact details for your Departmental Head who will liaise with you regarding your specific needs.


Got a question? Send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


©2025 www.wetype.it| Part of the WeType Group

Registered in England and Wales Number 9643724 - VAT Number: 216 0155 51

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